Pop Culture Winnows Out the Chaff

I have this friend* who, in response to anything she finds extra, vehemently asserts, “girl, do less. Just do less.” Though our friendship is rather nascent—we originally became friends drunkenly bonding over Kanye and grapefruit beer Homecoming weekend, as one does—she has had a sizable effect on both my Weltanschauung† and vernacular…. [Read More]

High Art: Weird is the New Good

I’ve always been a fan of the absurd. I spent most of my high school Saturday evenings sprawled across living room floors with friends watching terrible ’80s horror movies like House IV  and kids movies like Going Bananas. Whether it was a woman fighting a demon-posessed talking pizza or a… [Read More]

And Make Sure to Follow Us on Twitter

There is a lot of yelling noises going on about Twitter hacking, but one question is yet to be answered: why the fuck are you following Burger King on Twitter in the first place? Are there a bunch of Junior Whopper deals I’m missing on the regular?  Is “The King”… [Read More]