High Art: Weird is the New Good

I’ve always been a fan of the absurd. I spent most of my high school Saturday evenings sprawled across living room floors with friends watching terrible ’80s horror movies like House IV  and kids movies like Going Bananas. Whether it was a woman fighting a demon-posessed talking pizza or a… [Read More]

Do Girls Actually Use LuLu?

A year or two ago a friend’s girlfriend showed me my profile on LuLu, an app in which women review men. I was taken aback and immediately full of questions. Was there really some sort of secret society of digital women judging my every move? I understood why my humor might be ranked so… [Read More]

#Best #Day #Ever

A few days ago I experienced what I’m sure will forever be one of the most important and exciting moments of my life. Something I’ll tell my grandchildren about when they sit on the floor in a circle around my armchair to patiently listen to the wisdom I have to… [Read More]

Spritz Will Change the World Forever

Spritz is a new technology that allows you to read faster. Up to four times as fast as you used to be able to. According to this Yahoo answer, the average human reads at about 250 WPM (words per minute). Spritz says most people read at 220 and that through… [Read More]

Venmo and the Tech-Traditionalism Struggle

I was dubious about Venmo when my friends started using it several months ago, but because FOMO is a real thing, I ended up downloading it. If you don’t know, Venmo is an app that easily lets you send and receive payments amongst your friends. Because I’ve grown to appreciate… [Read More]

Collab Piece: What will be the Biggest Difference Between 2013 and 2014?

In 2013, we witnessed the resurrection of Yeezus, the election of a new and cooler Pope, and Miley Cyrus becoming a woman. Six weeks into 2014, we’ve started to get a feel for what we can expect from the year to come. How will this rotation around the sun differ… [Read More]

2013’s 3 Most Life Changing Apps

We’ve been using our phones to seamlessly network with digital information and content for what seems like ages. A big development this past year has been our tiny handheld computers helping us accomplish increasingly tangible tasks. Now the capability to instantly find a restaurant, a ride there, and even a… [Read More]

Learning the Value of a Fiverr

Accounting for inflation, Fiverr.com is a living representation of this video of a man explaining the value of a purchase. On the site, you contract people on the internet to do a variety of things for increments of five dollars. Whether you’re looking for a custom ukulele ringtone, some girl… [Read More]

Surrendering to Spotify

Last Sunday I was in a good mood, a really good mood.  A mood good enough to purchase something stupid.  When the Urban Outfitters ‘sale’ section proved underwhelming I took out my CC and bought the next most illogical thing: Spotify Premium. I fought the free version of Spotify for… [Read More]