Examining Spotify’s “Falling in Love” Playlist

I’ve spent the last few hours listening to a series of love songs. More specifically, the Spotify playlists titled “Falling in Love” made by the Romeos over at Spotify. Why? Maybe because I’m a masochist, but also because there 24,606 people subscribed to this playlist, meaning that these 17 tracks… [Read More]

Fridays vs. Tuesdays: Do You Actually Want to Relate to Music?

As a working adult, I am keenly aware of the differences between the work week and the weekend. It’s practically all I think about. In 2000, when NSYNC released their second album, No Strings Attached, I understood why it being Friday night and having just got paid was a reason… [Read More]

‘Boyhood,’ Music, Timehop, and Embarrassing Yourself

Unlike the rest of Richard Linklater’s epic Boyhood, the music was added in post-production. This is an important detail. The movie is littered with cultural timestamps—video games, cell phones, politics—but it’s the music that so deliberately puts you in a time and place. So while Linklater had one shot to… [Read More]

Which Rapper Should Kendall Jenner Date?

It seems like the most important Kardashian of the next ten years will be Kendall. The biological offspring of Kris and Bruce, Kendall’s upside knows no bounds. What Kendall will do, one can only speculate. Figuring out who she will date, however, is a bit easier. With Kim and Khloe… [Read More]

Just How Stupid Are the ESPYs?

The idea of an award show for sports doesn’t seem altogether like a stupid idea, both from an entertainment and business standpoint. Award shows get more viewers than ever, and fans, always eager for an opportunity to argue and compare, have yet another outlet in which to judge world class… [Read More]

Who Are the Real Winners of the Lebron Signing?

While Lebron signing is great for the city of Cleveland and its fans, there are way more winners of “The Letter” than you might expect. Here are the real winners. Usher He owns a minority stake in the Cavs. More like U Got it GOOD, Ursher BB. Johnny Manziel Nike’s Ad… [Read More]

Turn Up For What: The Anti-Summer Jams

As we approach the 4th of July weekend, perhaps the most important question on everyone’s mind is not “where should I watch the fireworks,” but instead “what should be on my summer playlist?” The search for this year’s summer jam has been written about at great length. It would seem… [Read More]

Normal Tweet Guy Is Way More Interesting Than You Think

@NormalTweetGuy is just that: tweets from a normal guy. The account is based on the idea that there are some people on social media who just aren’t at all interesting. Like your sort of friend from high school who is so ridiculously boring that it’s disgusting. Though simple, its a… [Read More]

Chatting with Summer Commune

 Josh Heller and Nicole Kelly want you to leave your high-priced apartment and spend the summer with them in Bloomington, Indiana. It’s all part of Summer Commune, a diverse and temporary intentional community AKA summer camp with more potlucks and no curfew. You can also navigate to this web-site… [Read More]

Oreo Creme-Stuffed Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies are Trying to Kill Me

If there’s one thing to know about me its that from the ages of 11 through 21 I ate on average 1.5 rows of Chips Ahoy Chewy Chocolate Chip cookies per night. With milk. No dunking. I like all chocolate chip cookies. Hard, soft – it doesn’t really matter as long as… [Read More]