“Good satire comes from anger. It comes from a sense of injustice, that there are wrongs in the world that need to be fixed. And what better place to get that well of venom and outrage boiling than a newsroom, because you’re on the front lines.” –Carl Hiaasen The seventies… [Read More]
Remember 2012? I almost do. It was the year of the London Olympics, Facebook’s IPO, Gangnam style, Obama Part 2, and most importantly, the year the world met a sour-faced little Siamese Snowshoe cat named Tardar Sauce. The internet knows her, affectionately, as Grumpy Cat. The meme exploded during April… [Read More]
I am writing this article for purely selfish reasons. I want someone to talk about these books with because literary discussion is one need I refuse to let the Internet fill. For the most rabid fans of True Detective, the season 2 premiere can’t come quickly enough. As one of those… [Read More]
When a friend introduced me to an app called Jobr, I thought she was messing with me. She dubbed it ‘an unholy lovechild between LinkedIn and Tinder, spawned in the most debased, Google-glassiest annals of Silicon Valley.’ It turned out to be a fairly accurate description. Copying the “swipe-left, swipe-right”… [Read More]