10 Things Our Grandkids Will Make Fun of Us for in 2070

Everyone besides Pharrell gets old eventually. It’s inevitable. Sure, if you’re a millennial or younger, that’s hard to imagine right now. But the process of you becoming old, aka uncool, is already in motion. There are kids in diapers at this very moment that will be cooler than you in… [Read More]

Album Cover Art and Seeing the Music We Hear

The above featured image is the album art for Blood Orange’s Cupid Deluxe, released last year. In it stands a rather androgynous figure in heels, and bikini, and a mask – appropriate given the album was praised for its accessibility to the LGBT community. What’s interesting about this art if… [Read More]

‘The Skeleton Twins’ and Luke Wilson’s Lovable, Sincere Dudebro

The Skeleton Twins, a relatively low-key 2014 film festival favorite carried by amazing performances from Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader as estranged twins, is a film that uses sensitive family dynamics to explore heavy themes of failure and depression. It’s hilarious at times, crushingly sad in others, and ultimately a… [Read More]

The Selfish Tribe of ‘Transparent’

[MILD SPOILERS] In the pilot of Transparent, Jeffrey Tambor’s Maura Pfefferman rhetorically asks her support group, “how did I raise three such selfish kids?” Given that his character is fresh off a failed attempt to quell her three adult children’s bickering and come out to them as a transgender woman… [Read More]

Peyton Manning is My Father, Part II

This is part II in an epic, completely fictional series starring Peyton Manning, a 38-year-old future hall of fame quarterback, and me, a 24-year-old Denver Broncos fan who feels that Peyton is, in a figurative sense, his father. To read part I, click here. A loud CLANG jolts me awake…. [Read More]

Just How Deep is ‘The Leftovers’ Willing to Take Us?

The Leftovers, everyone’s favorite new show to passionately either love or hate, aired its Season 1 finale this past Sunday. Like any show just starting out, it spent most of its first season explaining to viewers what it was on the surface while simultaneously stumbling to find its footing underneath…. [Read More]

Let’s Sit Down and Talk about Will Smith

I was on Will Smith’s IMDB page today, because I felt like being there, and after seeing Bad Boys 3 and Hancock 2 “announced” near the top, then scrolling through the last few years of his film career, I got really depressed. So naturally I scrolled even further down to… [Read More]

‘Game of Thrones:’ SCHOOL’S OUT!!!

IT’S SUMMER VACATION, GUYS!!! Now that Season 4 of Game of Thrones is over for the year, let’s take a look at what some of our favorite characters are up to this summer: Jon Snow Pierced by the biting final words of his ex-girlfriend (not pictured), Jon is taking summer… [Read More]

Tim Duncan’s Resume: Preparing for the Next Step

As we all know, Tim Duncan is quite possibly the greatest basketball player of his generation (with apologies to Kobe Bean Bryant). Aside from the fact that he’s currently in his sixth Finals appearance, 15 years after his first one, he’s an all-around great guy with a higher voice than… [Read More]

‘Veep’ is Both a Cartoon and a Documentary

SPOILERS “Someone has just flown two planes into my career.” This is the type of joke that’s pretty much taboo in today’s world, and there’s not much explanation needed for why. 9/11, regardless of how much time has passed, just isn’t funny. It never will be. So why is that… [Read More]