Sub-tweeting is arguably the most important communicative currency we have in 2013. We could spend hours debating about what constitute a sub-tweet, but for the sake of brevity here is the urban dictionary definition: The shortening of “subliminal tweet” which is directly referring to a particular person without mentioning their… [Read More]
It was a foggy morning in Toledo, Ohio at one of several local McDonald’s. The day started off like any other, with customers happy they woke up early enough to get McMuffins walking triumphantly out the doors of the restaurant. That is until Melodi Dushane showed up. [youtube=] Dushane, a… [Read More]
What is a better indicator of Tumblr’s future success: Getting bought for 1.1 Billion by Yahoo! or Miley Cyrus bringing twerking to America’s living rooms? I think this is at least up for debate. I suspect in towns across America parents are Gchatting their children as I write this, asking… [Read More]
Everyone knows that YOLO (You Only Live Once) and most know that FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is real, or maybe just have FOMO on knowing what FOMO is. The point is that the internet has come together to establish that four letter acronyms are the best way to define… [Read More]
Accounting for inflation, is a living representation of this video of a man explaining the value of a purchase. On the site, you contract people on the internet to do a variety of things for increments of five dollars. Whether you’re looking for a custom ukulele ringtone, some girl… [Read More]
This Sunday marks the beginning of the end for Breaking Bad, indisputably one of the greatest shows to ever hit TV. “Beginning of the end” isn’t quite an accurate descriptor though — it’s really best to consider the first episode of the series as the beginning of the end, and… [Read More]
When I was in the sixth grade, my good friend invited me over to his house for his 12th birthday/slumber party. I joined a group of our friends there shortly after school got out on a Friday, and we were all thrilled about the festivities to come. Within the first… [Read More]
I personally identify with Michael Cera. As the skinny awkward guy in my group of friends in high school (and now), I saw a lot of myself in his portrayal of a graduating senior struggling with the transition from high school to college in Superbad. Especially because I was a… [Read More]
This is funny. Jay-Z dropped the hyphen in his name yesterday, and will now go by Jay Z. I do not know the cause for this sudden change and can only speculate as to which expensive designer influenced Jay’s change of heart. I’m not sure how many people really knew… [Read More]
Dear lol, It’s been a tumultuous decade. At the height of the AIM era (AOL Instant Messenger—but of course you already know that, you crafty bastard), we were best friends. Something in one of the many conversations with my 13-year-old friends was funny? Lol. Stupid? Lol. Heartbreaking? Lol. Then came… [Read More]