Kanye in GQ: Changing the Dad-Wear Game

Some call it Normcore, others “Seinfield chic,” but I simply call it dad-wear. You know the style when you see it: standard no-name jeans and a tucked oxford, to say the least. Maybe even toss on some ugly New Balances or boat shoes. I don’t care who are or what… [Read More]

The 5 Worst Kinds of Snapchats

Snapchat is great. It makes us feel like our friends care about us so much they want to share bits of their life with us. In reality most people are really only paying attention to one Snapchat story: their own. This doesn’t mean all snapchats are bad. A nice video… [Read More]

Normal Tweet Guy Is Way More Interesting Than You Think

@NormalTweetGuy is just that: tweets from a normal guy. The account is based on the idea that there are some people on social media who just aren’t at all interesting. Like your sort of friend from high school who is so ridiculously boring that it’s disgusting. Though simple, its a… [Read More]

Chatting with Summer Commune

 Josh Heller and Nicole Kelly want you to leave your high-priced apartment and spend the summer with them in Bloomington, Indiana. It’s all part of Summer Commune, a diverse and temporary intentional community AKA summer camp with more potlucks and no curfew. You can also navigate to this web-site… [Read More]

‘Game of Thrones:’ SCHOOL’S OUT!!!

IT’S SUMMER VACATION, GUYS!!! Now that Season 4 of Game of Thrones is over for the year, let’s take a look at what some of our favorite characters are up to this summer: Jon Snow Pierced by the biting final words of his ex-girlfriend (not pictured), Jon is taking summer… [Read More]

Notification is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

In a world where we’re growing increasingly afraid of real human interaction, that little colored box at the top of your feed means everything. While a genuinely paid compliment from a close friend is always welcomed, somehow, ten Twitter favorites from complete strangers that require the smallest possible amount of… [Read More]

My Quarter Snap Crisis

Apple’s new iOS may have triggered a quarter life crisis for me. What the hell will I use for selfies now? I mean I was already distraught when Snapchat added chat, but now iOS 8 adding Snapchat abilities? I’m in a real tizzy. Back in the day, it was so… [Read More]

Sad Summer Reads

Just because it’s June and the sun is shining and people are outside laughing and Instagramming their frappuccinos, it doesn’t mean that you have to succumb to fun! summer! expectations! Look, I enjoy my friends’ Facebook ~ SUMMER 2014 ~ photo albums as much as the next person, but my… [Read More]

Repunctuation: Because Emojis Aren’t the Answer¬

If you have ever texted a teenage girl, I can guarantee you, your lack of exclamation points has been misconstrued as disdain for everything she stands for. If you’ve ever replied to your mom’s email with biting sarcasm, I can guarantee you, she took you seriously and passed along to… [Read More]

Oreo Creme-Stuffed Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies are Trying to Kill Me

If there’s one thing to know about me its that from the ages of 11 through 21 I ate on average 1.5 rows of Chips Ahoy Chewy Chocolate Chip cookies per night. With milk. No dunking. I like all chocolate chip cookies. Hard, soft – it doesn’t really matter as long as… [Read More]