Just over a month ago, KUKA Robotics released a cinematic trailer for an upcoming video project. The teaser for The Duel featured world-class Ping Ponger Timo Boll preparing for a match against a giant orange robotic arm capable of handling a paddle and ball with the same grace as the… [Read More]
Spritz is a new technology that allows you to read faster. Up to four times as fast as you used to be able to. According to this Yahoo answer, the average human reads at about 250 WPM (words per minute). Spritz says most people read at 220 and that through… [Read More]
I was dubious about Venmo when my friends started using it several months ago, but because FOMO is a real thing, I ended up downloading it. If you don’t know, Venmo is an app that easily lets you send and receive payments amongst your friends. Because I’ve grown to appreciate… [Read More]
If you’re bad at remembering things, whether that’s birthdays, deadlines, names, and so on, you’re lucky to live in a time where that shortcoming doesn’t even matter. Every mobile device these days has an extra memory repository you can use to your advantage, and it comes in a very simple… [Read More]
We’ve been using our phones to seamlessly network with digital information and content for what seems like ages. A big development this past year has been our tiny handheld computers helping us accomplish increasingly tangible tasks. Now the capability to instantly find a restaurant, a ride there, and even a… [Read More]
In the past year, a lot has been made of the rise of Netflix due to its quality original content and potential to change the TV landscape. When the company released all 13 episodes of House of Cards at once in February, many viewers were unsure of what to do…. [Read More]
In a recent Moto X commercial, Kanye West’s “Black Skinheads” plays in the background as a sleek and sexy new smartphone flashes across the screen, changing colors and flaunting the customization possibilities available to those who purchase the new Motorola (aka Google) device. Initially, it feels a little strange that… [Read More]
When I first heard about Amazon’s unveiling of “Prime Air” over the weekend, an awkward high school memory soon resurfaced. Let’s just say I was standing out at lunch one afternoon and somewhere above me there was a seagull who had apparently already eaten his. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98BIu9dpwHU&w=560&h=315] The gist: Prime Air… [Read More]
Writing a Facebook status used to be just that. You’d write something down to share with your friends. Times have changed. Now we tag our friends in statuses by adding their @name inline or even by letting the whole world know we are quite literally “- with Steve.” The latest… [Read More]
If you didn’t know it was thing, well it certainly is. If you thought you were the only person who noticed it, here’s both National Geographic and the Huffington Post proving an already existing conversation. People use the word “literally” a lot. From the sorority girl, to the dude who hates… [Read More]