Selling My Digital Soul

It’s very important to me personally that everyone know: the Schick Hydro 5 Sensitive is a revolution in shaving technology. The five “ultra guide blades” ensure a close shave while the “aloe skin guards” and “hydrating gel reservoir” leave skin smooth and irritation free. Truly, the modern razor has reached… [Read More]

Eggers, Yelp, and Review Culture

If you’ve read Dave Eggers’s not-so-distant-future dystopian novel The Circle, wherein a Google-type company assumes total control of the world’s governments and privacy, at least one of three questions has probably crossed your mind: Can Dave Eggers get any preachier? Should we be afraid that we’ll all eventually be required… [Read More]

#Best #Day #Ever

A few days ago I experienced what I’m sure will forever be one of the most important and exciting moments of my life. Something I’ll tell my grandchildren about when they sit on the floor in a circle around my armchair to patiently listen to the wisdom I have to… [Read More]

What Oculus Rift Shouldn’t Be Used for, but Probably Will Anyway

The virtual-reality device Oculus Rift has become the most funded project on Kickstarter to date. And on March 25th, the notorious tech giant Mark Zuckerberg announced Facebook’s acquisition of Oculus VR, the company behind Oculus Rift. Although originally conceived as the next ground-breaking gaming platform, Zuckerberg has envisioned other in-home… [Read More]

Artists With the Worst SEO Names

What’s in a name? Style, hometown, an ambiguous but artistic statement of purpose? Sure, those things are still important, but how about SEO? In 2014, artists have to consider how their stage/band name will show up on the internet. We’re all slaves to Google’s algorithms, which is why marketing people… [Read More]

Wait, I Think Instagram is Actually Empowering Me

The other day I was walking down the street, when I overheard two young girls who were walking in front of me, talking about boys. “So do you like Hudson, or Brannan more?” “Hudson, I think.” “Really?! I like Brannan so much more.” Their voices had the upturned lilt of… [Read More]

Somehow, the Man Vs. Robot Ping Pong Video Totally Sucks

Just over a month ago, KUKA Robotics released a cinematic trailer for an upcoming video project. The teaser for The Duel featured world-class Ping Ponger Timo Boll preparing for a match against a giant orange robotic arm capable of handling a paddle and ball with the same grace as the… [Read More]

Spritz Will Change the World Forever

Spritz is a new technology that allows you to read faster. Up to four times as fast as you used to be able to. According to this Yahoo answer, the average human reads at about 250 WPM (words per minute). Spritz says most people read at 220 and that through… [Read More]

Venmo and the Tech-Traditionalism Struggle

I was dubious about Venmo when my friends started using it several months ago, but because FOMO is a real thing, I ended up downloading it. If you don’t know, Venmo is an app that easily lets you send and receive payments amongst your friends. Because I’ve grown to appreciate… [Read More]

Forget Using Memory, You Have Reminder Apps

If you’re bad at remembering things, whether that’s birthdays, deadlines, names, and so on, you’re lucky to live in a time where that shortcoming doesn’t even matter. Every mobile device these days has an extra memory repository you can use to your advantage, and it comes in a very simple… [Read More]