We all use instagram to stay up to date with our friend’s meals, cats and obnoxiously frequent bike rides across the golden gate bridge. It’s easy to whine at your peers for posting two photos of their super cool new Beats by Dre because the different angles really highlight their modern… [Read More]
Southby is all about the secret shows. While it’s cool to check out new bands and catch big performers at the biggest stages, everyone’s real goal is to somehow find the underground, cocaine-fueled after party filled with spec scripts and celebrities from the AMC channel. I unfortunately did not find… [Read More]
It’s March 28th. The weather is getting warmer, girls are replacing their vibrant pants with under-butt-revealing shorts, guys are rolling up their respective shorts another cuff’s length, and everyone, well everyone’s just in a better mood. Let’s examine a few important genres of this American life and pinpoint the reasons why: Sports… [Read More]
WHILE THERE ARE a ton of free SXSW parties, panels, and potential Twitter followers in Austin this week, you’re pretty much wasting your time if you aren’t pushing your new start-up. Sixth Street is a cesspool of early-adopters and venture capitalists ready with the Wells Fargo app running in the… [Read More]
There is a lot of yelling noises going on about Twitter hacking, but one question is yet to be answered: why the fuck are you following Burger King on Twitter in the first place? Are there a bunch of Junior Whopper deals I’m missing on the regular? Is “The King”… [Read More]
By: Aaron Weiss I had taken all the necessary steps. I had swung through my brothers apartment to get a motorcycle helmet to wear while I danced. I had the drive to go out and actually produce a video. I had a camera that wasn’t an iPhone. However, when Saturday… [Read More]
I think we all know Etsy is the best place to get your anti-establishment girlfriend Valentine’s gifts. Especially long-distance girlfriends. But did you know that Etsy is also the best place for all twitter-related screen printing? And they say guys are hard to shop for? In all seriousness how different is… [Read More]