Frankenfoods: Disgustingly Real or Disgustingly Fake?
Frankenfood: a revolutionary creation that mixes outrageous and unexpected ingredients in delicious and unique flavors. or Frankenfood: taking something delicious on the inside and disguising it with something deceptive on the outside That’s one way to put it. Another potentially less flattering way to describe a Frankenfood is: Frankenfood: a… [Read More]
What Is Trunk Club and Why Does It Seem Mostly the Worst?
Recently, at a bar in Manhattan I made conversation with someone who worked at a startup called Trunk Club. Trunk Club, as it was explained to me, is a company that connects men to a personal female stylist, who then, upon speaking with you, will go online shopping while you… [Read More]
God, Russell Wilson, and Super Bowl XLIX’s Divine Ending
Well that was without a doubt the craziest end to a Super Bowl I’ve ever seen. Pundits on every sports outlet are going to spend the next week poring over the game parcel-by-parcel, yard-by-yard, trying to explain a fourth quarter that was basically inexplicable. So many stupefying plays in such… [Read More]
Celebrity Altruism: The New Standard
When it comes to celebrity stories, nothing ever seems to trump the fables of a Bill Murray sighting. He hops in your Uber car and insists on driving. You throw a house party and suddenly find him in your kitchen. You’re walking down the street and before you realize it,… [Read More]
Wale, Kanye, and the Design of Things
Back in November, the Washington Wizards announced that D.C. native (and grandmaster of the sports reference) Wale would be the team’s creative liaison for the current 2014-2015 season. While the rapper’s FG% has been questionable over the last year or two when it comes to rap relevancy, that’s neither here… [Read More]
Let’s Figure Out Which Songs Katy Perry Will Play at Halftime
As the resident Katy Perry expert (apologist?) at Thelma, I’m tasking myself with predicting what songs KP will perform this Sunday when the world collectively gathers around their Super Bowl halftime livestream to gaze upon The One With the Blue Hair. Actually, I don’t know if she’ll have blue hair…. [Read More]
‘Wild’ and the Perks of Doing Shit on Your Own
It’s hard to write something about how amazing doing shit on your own is without sounding preachy and/or sad. That’s a reality. It always seems to devolve into a “love yourself before you can love others” sort of situation, and while that’s all very good and true, it suggests that… [Read More]
So You Want to Start a Book Club
In 2015, I resolved to read more novels. It’s going to be tricky, but I know that the best way to motivate myself to read more is to have an accountability partner. I also thought it would be cool if we were reading the same thing, and, I don’t know,… [Read More]
The History and Implications of Going Viral
Everyone dreams of “going viral.” Even our parents have some sense of what virality is, and my mom uses the Snapchat draw tool to write about what’s already in the picture. Derived from the idea of an actual virus, a piece of content goes viral when it becomes contagious or… [Read More]
And the Academy Award Goes to…
A note before beginning: I have seen a grand total of three of these movies. Do not take any of this article seriously or use it to make actual Oscar predictions. That being said, maybe don’t take the Oscars too seriously either. It just doesn’t matter. Once a year, for… [Read More]