How does Snapchat Stories work?

A few weeks ago Snapchat updated to version 6.0. In addition to adding a shiny new interface, users were sent a video from Team Snapchat that introduced a new feature: Snapchat Stories. Unfortunately video-snaps are not the best means to relay important information (only 21% of all video snapchats are… [Read More]

How To Sub-Tweet across Social Media

Sub-tweeting is arguably the most important communicative currency we have in 2013. We could spend hours debating about what constitute a sub-tweet, but for the sake of brevity here is the urban dictionary definition: The shortening of “subliminal tweet” which is directly referring to a particular person without mentioning their… [Read More]

Miley, Tumblr, and What We Want from Our Disney Stars

What is a better indicator of Tumblr’s future success: Getting bought for 1.1 Billion by Yahoo! or Miley Cyrus bringing twerking to America’s living rooms?  I think this is at least up for debate. I suspect in towns across America parents are Gchatting their children as I write this, asking… [Read More]

FOPA: Fear of Posting Anything

Everyone knows that YOLO (You Only Live Once) and most know that FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is real, or maybe just have FOMO on knowing what FOMO is. The point is that the internet has come together to establish that four letter acronyms are the best way to define… [Read More]

Learning the Value of a Fiverr

Accounting for inflation, is a living representation of this video of a man explaining the value of a purchase. On the site, you contract people on the internet to do a variety of things for increments of five dollars. Whether you’re looking for a custom ukulele ringtone, some girl… [Read More]

Acronyms of Reddit

Everyone pretends that Reddit is some secret group that no one else is a part of. When you realize someone you know in real life is on Reddit as well you can share your own special fist bump or idiotic comment about a narwhal baconing at midnight with giddy excitement…. [Read More]

E3 for People that Don’t Really Care

You may or may not know that the massive gaming event of the year is happening right now at E3. The Los Angeles based conference which launched on Monday with Microsoft’s exhibition of the newest games for their upcoming console, the Xbox One. Video game publishers, developers, and nerds flocked… [Read More]

Nobody is that Cool, Facebook

Over the last 10 years, the internet as a whole has drastically changed the way human beings communicate. Twitter allows us to rapidly share and re-share tidbits of information, Yelp can tell us the exact address and relative quality of the service at a given business, and Reddit aggregates all… [Read More]

Finding Tinderella

Tinder is an app that presents its users with a virtual stack of photos of potential suitors and bachelorettes. Accompanying each photo/profile is an area to write a paragraph about yourself and also lists of your shared Facebook Likes and mutual friends. Mostly, however, Tinder is about judging people based… [Read More]

Surrendering to Spotify

Last Sunday I was in a good mood, a really good mood.  A mood good enough to purchase something stupid.  When the Urban Outfitters ‘sale’ section proved underwhelming I took out my CC and bought the next most illogical thing: Spotify Premium. I fought the free version of Spotify for… [Read More]